5.4 Specifications — KX-TDA30246 Installation Manual5.4.3 System CapacityMaximum Trunk and VoIP LineThe Hybrid IP-PBX supports the following number of trunk lines and VoIP lines.Maximum Terminal EquipmentThe Hybrid IP-PBX supports a maximum of 24 devices; the connected devices can be acombination of SLT, DPT, APT, CS and VPS.Furthermore, 4 additional SLTs can be connected to PTs using the Parallelled TelephoneFeatures (Parallel mode or XDP mode).NoticeDevices connected to the Hybrid IP-PBX that exceed the system capacity will not function.You must connect an additional AC adaptor in either or both of the following conditions:• A total of more than 4 APTs and DPTs (except KX-T7600 series, KX-T7560/KX-T7565) are connected.• More than 4 CSs are connected.For how to connect an AC adaptor or additional AC adaptor, refer to "6.12.1 Starting theHybrid IP-PBX".Line Type Maximum NumberTrunk Line 12VoIP Line 4Terminal Equipment Type Without an Additional ACAdaptorWith an Additional ACAdaptorSLT 24 24KX-T7600 series DPT *1*1 A total of 24 DPTs, APTs, CSs and VPS can be connected to the Hybrid IP-PBX.Total 24 Total 24KX-T7560/KX-T7565 DPT*1Other types of DPT and APT*1 Total 4 Total 24Other types of DPT 4 24APT 4 4CS*1 4 8PS 28 28VPS*1 4 ports (1 VPS) *2*2 A maximum of 4 ports (8 channels) of a single VPS can be connected to the Hybrid IP-PBX.4 ports (1 VPS)*2Doorphone 4 4Door Opener 4 4Add-on Key Module Total 24 Total 48USB Module