Telephone Features 3-73.2 Telephone Features AAccount Code EntryAn account code is used to identify outside calls for accounting and billing purposes. Theaccount code is appended to the “Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)” callrecord. For incoming outside calls, account codes are not required. For outgoing outsidecalls, account codes are often required. You can enter account codes in the following fourmodes.Verify - All mode: You must always enter a pre-assigned account code.Verify - Toll mode: You can enter a pre-assigned account code so that you can overridetoll restriction.Option mode: An account code can be entered when a record of the account code isrequired. It can be any number.Forced mode: You must always enter an account code. It can be any number.Making calls with account codes except in the Option modePT and SLTaccount codeEnter an accountcode (4 digits).Dial toneFor a PT: Press FWD/DND or PAUSE.For an SLT: Dial 49 or .Lift the handset or pressSP-PHONE/MONITOR.Press CO orenter a line access code(9 or 81 through 86).Enter the phone no.line access codeCODial tone 3For an SLTFor a PT4 9 oror PAUSEFWD/DNDPTaccount codeEnter an account code (4 digits).Press FWD/DND.During a conversation or while hearing a reorder tone after the other party hangs up(within 30 seconds)FWD/DND• You can keep talking.Making calls with account codes in the Option mode and receiving calls