,nclXdes WaUUanty1MFBTF SFBE UIF PQFSBUJOH JOTUSVDUJPO BOE 8BSSBOUZ UFSNT DBSFGVMMZ JO PSEFS UP VTFUIF EFIVNJEJmFS DPSSFDUMZ.*O QBSUJDVMBS CF TVSF UP SFBE UIF ý4BGFUZ QSFDBVUJPOTý TFDUJPO QBHF CFGPSF VTFUP FOTVSF B TBGF PQFSBUJPO.,FFQ UIF PQFSBUJOH JOTUSVDUJPO JO B TBGF QMBDF BMPOH XJUI UIF XBSSBOUZEPDVNFOUBUJPO GPS GVUVSF SFGFSFODF.$PSSFDU JOGPSNBUJPO TIBMM CF XSJUUFO PO XBSSBOUZ DBSE JODMVEJOH EBUF PG QVSDIBTF BOEOBNF PG EJTUSJCVUPS.8BSSBOUZ DBSE TIBMM CF QSPWJEFE VQPO QVSDIBTF.2peUating instUXctionsF-YZJ90H'ehXmidiIieU7hanN yoX YeUy mXch IoU pXUchasing Panasonic pUodXct.7he appliance is not intended IoU Xse by peUsons inclXding childUen with UedXced physical,sensoUy oU mental capabilities, oU lacN oI e[peUience and Nnowledge, Xnless they haYe been giYensXpeUYision oU instUXction conceUning Xse oI the appliance by a peUson Uesponsible IoU theiU saIety.ChildUen shoXld be sXpeUYised to ensXUe that they do not play with the appliance.,I the sXpply coUd is damaged, it mXst be Ueplaced by the manXIactXUeU, its seUYice agent oU similaUly TXaliIiedpeUsons in oUdeU to aYoid a ha]aUd.Please disconnect the poweU plXg and empty the tanN beIoUe doing any maintenance woUN.