)asing on the standard of 1apan Electrical Manufacturers Association 1EMA/D0 0 the appro_imate drying time is 5minutes Testing *onditions! Mode! Dry *lothes Room :iae! 2m 2 Temperature! 20 degrees *elsius /umidity! 0 Weight of clothes! 2kg 3 tshirts 2 shirts 1 pair of paQamas under^ears 2 pairs of socks and 3 to^els Actual drying time^ill differ depending on environment and usage conditionsTips for drying clothesShirts etc.Firmly fastenthe buttons/ight underwear etc.Fasten securelyto a hangerSweatersWrap a to^el aroundthe hanger to increaseits thickness allo^ingmore dry air to passthroughAttach the sleeves tothe shoulders to preventthem from elongating-eans SkirtsTurn them inside outand dry in a ^ellventilated area)irmly stretch out creases on the clothes and ventilatethem well. Dry them in the shape you want them to be in.)or dryingOperating modesTP BMMPX HPPE BJSnPXMJOF UIF DMPUIFT VQ BOEMFBWF TQBDF CFUXFFOFBDI HBSNFOU.TTIJSUT BOE VOEFSXFBSBSF FBTZ UP ESZ TP QVUUIFTF BU UIF FOET."MMPX B DN HBQ CFUXFFOUIF BJS PVUMFU BOE BOZ DMPUIJOH."JS OVUMFU)BOH UIJDLDMPUIJOH EJSFDUMZ JOGSPOU PG UIF BJSPVUMFU.QBHF TIF ESZOFTT TFOTPS EFUFDUT UIF UFNQFSBUVSF BOE IVNJEJUZ BOE VTFTUIJT BT B SFGSFODF UP KVEHF UIF MFWFM PG ESZOFTT JO PSEFS UP TUPQ PQFSBUJPOBVUPNBUJDBMMZ.TIF SPMF PG UIF TFOTPST JT GPS "VUPTUPQ GVODUJPO POMZ.TFNQ EFHSFFT )VNJEJUZ 3PPN 4J[F .N ."DDPSEJOH UP PVS PXO VTBHF UFTUT. "DUVBM ESZJOH UJNF XJMM EJGGFSEFQFOEJOH PO FOWJSPONFOU BOE VTBHF DPOEJUJPOT.JOEJDBUPS PO/anger´1oUmalμ oU ´Hiμ Xses a tempeUatXUe and hXmidity sensoU IoU dUyingclothes and,I the washing has not dUied pUopeUly, Uepeat the dUying opeUation once moUe.Some paUts oI the washing may be diIIicXlt to dUy, depending on the type andamoXnt oI washing and the dUying method1