Operating the dehumidifier1ote ý"VUPý NPEF XJMM BVUPNBUJDBMMZ TXJUDI UIF IFBUFS PO BOE PGG JO PSEFS UP NBJOUBJO B IVNJEJUZ PG. *G IVNJEJUZ JT MFTT UIBO PQFSBUJPO XJMM TUPQ.8IFO ZPV QSFTT B CVUUPO UP UVSO UIF QPXFS PO PS PGG PS TXJUDI UIF PQFSBUJOHNPEF UIF VOJU XJMM NBLF B DMJDLJOH TPVOE. )PXFWFS UIJT JT OPU B NBMGVODUJPO.If no buttons are pressed for 24 hours operation ^ill stop automatically to preventif you forget to turn off the unitWhen the unit starts in Lo speed mode the fan ^ill blo^ at a medium level for the first t^osecondsBe sure to wait for 2 minutes before unplugging the power cord. The fan will operate forabout 2 more minutes after the unit is turned off for cooling down the heater.Do not place objects on top of the unit. They may cause operating malfunctions or otherproblems. ,n particular do not place magnets or metallic objects on the unit.,f the unit tips over the builtin magnet for automatically stopping operation will operatethe indicators will illuminate and operation will stop. page 2,mportant'ehXmidiIybXtton2peUation indicatoU 'Uy ClothesbXttonAiU 2XtletLoXYeUPoweU PlXgimeU bXttonAiU Swing bXttonLoXYeU 'iUection bXttonQBHF PoweU 2II/2n bXtton8IFO UIJT CVUUPO JT QSFTTFE UIF MPVWFSXJMM DPNQMFUFMZ PQFO BOE UIF VOJU TUBSUTPQFSBUF. TIF OQFSBUJPO JOEJDBUPS BOE)VNJEJUZ JOEJDBUPS XJMM MJHIU VQ.QBHF *G QSFTT BHBJO UIF VOJU XJMM UVSO PGG."MM JOEJDBUPST XJMM UVSO PGG.QBHF 712