About ECO1A9,Differences between each mode6nly ^ork ^hen you choose 5ormal or /i The dryness sensor detects the temperature and humidity and uses this as a reference to Qudge the level ofdryness in order to stop operation automatically6peration running time for reference Unit! hourTest conditions!*lothes Amount5ormal /ie hr 3e hre14 hr e hrDrying operation running timeAbout 2kge4kgAbout 4kgekgRunning time and consumption of electric po^er for the actual state of dryness may vary depending onfactors such as the type and amount of clothing the hanging method and environmental conditionsThe dehumidifier ^ill stop after a ma_imum operation time of 14 hoursDrying clothesDrying clothesTemperature! 20/umidity! 0Room space! 2m2Manufacturers resultsHow to useTFTU DPOEJUJPOT $PNQBSJTPO PG QPXFS DPOTVNQUJPO JO FBDI NPEF VOUJM JUFNT BSF ESZ3PPN 4J[F .N TFNQFSBUVSF EFHSFFT $FMTJVT )VNJEJUZ 8FJHIU PG DMPUIFT LH UTIJSUT TIJSUT QBJS PG QBKBNBT JUFNT PG VOEFSXFBS QBJST PG TPDLT BOE UPXFMT%SZ $MPUIFT NPSNBM 8I / %SZ $MPUIFT )J 8ITIF BNPVOU PG QPXFS DPOTVNFE EVSJOH BDUVBM PQFSBUJPO XJMM WBSZ EFQFOEJOH PO FOWJSPONFOUBMDPOEJUJPOT UIF UZQF BOE BNPVOU PG DMPUIJOH BOE UIF ESZJOH NFUIPE.<#BTFE PO UIF +BQBO &MFDUSJDBM .BOVGBDUVSFST "TTPDJBUJPO TUBOEBSE +&.")% >23