Tank Once a month)loatDepending on ^here you use the dehumidifier theinternal of the tank may get especially dirty due tothe dirt and dust in the air)e sure to push the tank gently all the ^ay into theunit If not the unit ^ill not operateUse water to rinse these parts 2 or 3times.Use a mild kitchen cleanser forstubborn stains.Tank Tank Cover Tank CapDo not remove the float.If the float is off the unit ^ill not operateIf the float is not attached properly ^ater may leakremoving the float.Remove the dirt around the t^o a_es2eeping theseclean ^ill prevent the float from malfunctioningTBOL $PWFSTBOL $BQ"YFT'MPBU,f the float comes offPlace the float along t^o a_es in the tank lidreverse side and make sure that it is put incorrect direction :ee the figure aboveTBOL$PWFS'MPBUTBOL $BQ)e sure to put the tank cover and tank cap backon the tank Failure to do so may cause ^ater tospillWhen not Xsing the Xnit IoU long peUiods oI time123 CoYeU the Xnit with a plastic bag.Clean the main Xnit, tanN and IilteU.1BHFT Empty the tanN one day aIteU as theXnit is tXUned oII.1BHFT StoUe the Xnit a dUy and well-Yentilatedplace.,mpoUtant:4UPSF UIF VOJU TUBCMZ PO IPSJ[POUBM MFWFM.%P OPU MFBO UIF VOJU BHBJOTU TPNFUIJOH PS MBZ JU EPXO. %PJOH TP NBZ DBVTF UIF VOJU UPNBMGVODUJPO PS MFBL PVU BOZ SFNBJOJOH XBUFS JO UIF VOJU.*U NBZ DBVTF B TIPSUDJSDVJU PSEBNBHF UIF XJSFT JOTJEF UIF DPSEBOE mSF PS FMFDUSJD TIPDLT NBZ PDDVS.Do not pull on the power cordwhen storing away the dehumidifier.No!Maintenance22