Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic ABMEW01623 Rev: - EBL128 Operating Instructions V2.0.x277.5 User level 3AAfter the door has been opened with the fire brigade key (LED "Dooropen" is lit), the service / maintenance personnel have access tolevel 2A and after log on as “Service personnel” (level 3A), access toall menus, i.e. like level 2C and also to the following menus:Same menus as in access level 2C plus the following:H5 ServiceA1 Calibration of supervised outputsA2 Sensitive fault detection modeA3 Service mode for COM-loopA4 Display current consumption in unitA5 Display current consumption on COM-loopA6 Display statistics for COM-loopA7 Activate address setting mode for DUA8 Show information about site specific dataH8 MaintenanceS1 Disconnect / Re-connect COM-loopS2 Disconnect / Re-connect zone line inputS3 Disconnect / Re-connect addressable zone interface inputS4 Acknowledge SERVICE signalS5 Restore weekly average to defaultS6 Test of alarm devicesS7 Safe shut down of control unitS8 Activate zone/address in alarm modeS9 Activate outputS10 Reset activated outputH10 Change password (In this case for “Service personnel”.)7.6 Access level 3BUsed by Service / maintenance / commissioning engineers when a PC(i.e. EBLWin) is to be connected to EBL128 for backup (upload),download of site specific data (SSD) and/or download of software.An EBLWin key in the PC is required.7.7 Access level 4Used by manufacturer or by personnel authorised by the manufacturerfor re-initialisation (reset) of the alarm counter, change software