84Chapter 3 Convenient Fax FeaturesPrinting Communication JournalThe communication journal can be printed at the end of each transmission communication.• If “Comm. Journal” is set to “On” in “More Menus”, a communication journal is printed at the end ofeach transmission communication.• For instructions on how to read the communication journal, refer to Communication Journal (seepage 201).zYour machine is preset to print the communication journal only when transmission has failed. Refer to Fax/Email Settings in the Operating Instructions (For Function Parameters) of provided CD-ROM.zThe document image for the Direct transmissions is not printed in the communication journal.************* - Comm. Journal- **************** Date MMM-dd-yyyy ** Time 15:00 *********Mode = Memory Transmission Start = MMM-dd 14:50 End = MMM-dd 15:00File No.= 050STN Comm. Key Name Station Name/Email Address/Telephone No. Pages DurationNo.001 OK [ SERVICE ] SERVICE DEPT 001/001 00:01:30002 OK [SALES DEPT ] SERVICE DEPT 001/001 00:01:25003 407 [ ACCOUNTING ] SERVICE DEPT 000/001 00:01:45004 Busy 021 111 1234 000/001 00:00:00- PANASONIC -************ DP-XXXX ************** - HEAD OFFICE - ****** - 201 555 1212 - *******THE SLEREXE COMPANY LIMITEDSAPORS LANE . BOOLE . DORSET . BH 25 8 ERTELEPHONE BOOLE (945 13) 51617 . TELEX 123456Our Ref. 350/PJC/EAC 18th January, 1972.Dr. P.N.Cundall,Mining Surveys Ltd.,Holroyd RoadP.J. CROSSGroup Leader - facsimile Researchtions of print densitycause the photocell to generate an analogous electrical video signal.this signal is used to modulate a carrier, which is transmitted toremote destination over a radio or cable communications link.At the remote terminal, demodulation reconstructs the videosignal, white is used to modulate the density of print produced by aprinting device. This device is scanning in a raster scan synchronisedwith that at the transmitting terminal. As a result, a facsimilecopy of the subject document is produced.Probably you have used for this facility in your organisation.Yours sincerely,