58Chapter 2 Basic Fax TransmissionDial PrefixYour machine has the following functions to utilize your existing fax phone numbers database:• LDAP database search for fax phone numbers (Directory Search)• Import an existing fax phone number list in CSV file format (Network Address Book Editor software)The phone numbers in the database are usually 10-digit numbers that are not in the format of phonenumbers actually dialed through a PBX.Ex:• A fax phone number in the database is shown as 212 555 1234• A long distance fax phone number format that is dialed via a PBX, is as 9+1+212 555 1234The Dial Prefix function allows you to program a Dial Prefix including a PBX Dial-out Prefix (Ex: “9”)and the Long Distance Call Code (=1). The pre-programmed Dial Prefix will be automatically dialedonly when the fax phone number is a 10-digit number, allowing you to utilize the existing databasewithout modifying it.To enable this function, enter the Dial Prefix number in “122 Dial Prefix”. For more details, refer to Fax/Email Settings in the Operating Instructions (For Function Parameters) of provided CD-ROM.zOnly numbers (0 to 9) will be counted for 10 digits. Any other characters or symbols (such as “-”) will beignored.zThis function is not available when using Monitor dialing or Off-hook dialing with either the optional handset oran external telephone set.If the number to dial is a 10-digit number(See Note)Ex: 212 111 1234If the number to dial is NOT a 10-digit numberEx: 9-222 9876 (8 digits)9-1 312 333 4567 (12 digits)Dial prefix = 9-1(“-” represents a pause)212 111 1234312 222 4321213 333 9876Dials with the dial prefixnumber appended9-1 + 212 111 1234(Automatically appended)Dials without thedial prefix number9-222 98769-1 312 333 4567Sends the document(s)Address Book DialingManual Number DialingLDAP Search Dialing