10AUDIOBASSTREBLEBALANCENORMALMODEAI SOUND/ACTION: NO: ON: STEREO SAP MONO/ADJUSTING PICTURESOUND ADJUSTMENTSThe TV is equipped with a feature known as Multi-channel TVSound or MTS. MTS broadcasts greatly enhance TV viewingby bringing you programs with high fidelity stereo sound.MTS also provides an extra channel called the SecondAudio Program or SAP which broadcasters can use totransmit a second language for bilingual transmission or forother purposes.LISTENING TO STEREO SOUNDWhen the TV is turned on or a channel selection is made,make certain that the word “STEREO” appears on thescreen. This means that "Stereo" broadcasting is available.You can enjoy stereo sound from the left and right speak-ers.• When the "Mono" broadcasting is received, no indicationis displayed.• If the broadcast signal is not strong enough or clear stereosound is not available, select the MONO as in step 2 tochange to mono sound. The noise should be eliminated.LISTENING TO SAP (SECOND AUDIO PROGRAM)When the TV is turned on or a channel selection is made,make certain that the letters “SAP” appear on the screen.This means that the "Second Audio Program" broadcasting isavailable.TO SELECT DESIRED SOUNDSTEREO AND SECOND AUDIO PROGRAM (SAP)You can adjust the setting for bass, treble, balance and AIsound.Press ACTION and press to select the AUDIO mode,then press ACTION.Press or to select the itemyou want to adjust, then press .123 Press or to adjust the setting.AI SOUND FEATUREWhen a loud sound is broadcast the AI sound featureassists in balancing the volume to a more comfortablelistening level.TO RETURN TO INITIAL SETTINGSelect the NORMAL then select SET as in step 2.Press ACTION twice to select the PICTURE mode, thenpress ACTION.Press or to select desired item, then press .Press or to adjust the setting.123You can adjust the settings for color, sharpness, picture,brightness and tint.Press ACTION and press to select the AUDIO mode,then press ACTION.Press to select MODE modeand then press . Then press orto select the STEREO, SAP orMONO mode, then press ACTION.12AUDIOBASSTREBLEBALANCENORMALMODEAI SOUND/ACTION: NO: ON: STEREO/ /TO RETURN TO INITIAL SETTINGSelect the NORMAL then select SET as in step2.4 Press ACTION three times.3 Press ACTION twice.BASSTREBLEBALANCEAI SOUNDstrongerstrongerright speaker strongerweakerweakerleft speaker strongerOFFON4 Press ACTION three times.BRIGHTNESSPICTURETINTSHARPNESSincrease brightnessincrease contrastmore vibrant colorgreenish huedecrease brightnessdecrease contrastreduces colorreddish huemakes picture softermakes pictureclearerCOLOR