19ROP.menu.setting. (continued)MATRIX.(2/2)→ ** MATRIX( 2/2 ) **12AXIS MEMORYGSAT PHASE SAT PHASECyBMgRYeG_CyCy_BB_MgMg_RR_YeYe_GA000000000000000000000000( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display Function12AXIS.MEMORYOFFABSelect 12 AXIS memory toadjust.G.SAT -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation of colorcomponents in 12 AXIS matrixmemory.• Not available when [12 AXISMEMORY] is set to [OFF].G_Cy.SATCy.SATCy_B.SATB.SATB_Mg.SATMg.SATMg_R.SATR.SATR_Ye.SATYe.SATYe_G.SATG.PHASE -63׀0׀63Adjusts the color phase of colorcomponents in 12 AXIS matrixmemory.• Not available when [12 AXISMEMORY] is set to [OFF].G_Cy.PHASECy.PHASECy_B.PHASEB.PHASEB_Mg.PHASEMg.PHASEMg_R.PHASER.PHASER_Ye.PHASEYe.PHASEYe_G.PHASEHD.DTL/SKIN.DTL.(1/2)→ ** HD DTL/SKIN DTL( 1/2 ) **DETAIL SWITCHV DETAILH DETAILCRISPPEAK FREQUENCYLEVEL DEPENDENTDARK DETAILSOURCECLIPKNEE DETAILGAINON2020100(R+G)/20( + ) 0 ( - ) 0( + ) 0 ( - ) 08%17.3( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionDETAIL.SWITCH OFFONEnables or disables the HDDETAIL effect.V.DETAIL 0׀20׀63Adjusts the level of verticaldetail.H.DETAIL 0׀20׀63Adjusts the level of horizontaldetail.CRISP 0׀10׀63Sets the maximum amplitude ofthe very faint noise componentsthat are removed from detailcomponents.PEAK.FREQUENCY12.4/12.5/12.7/12.9/13.0/13.3/13.6/13.9/14.2/14.6/15.0/15.5/16.1/16.7/17.3/18.0/18.6/18.8/19.0/19.2/19.5/19.9/20.3/20.9/21.5/22.4/23.6/25.4/28.6/37.1Selects the contour correctionfrequency band (boost frequencyor peak frequency). It changesthe contour width.LEVEL.DEPENDENT0%׀8%׀30%Lowers the detail in dark areas.It adjusts the level.DARK.DETAIL 0׀7Boosts the detail in dark areas.SOURCE (R+G)/2(G+B)/2(2G+R+B)/4(3G+R)/4RGSelects the source signals forcreating the detail components.+CLIP 0׀63Limits the length of theovershoot areas of the detailedge components.-CLIP 0׀63Limits the length of theundershoot areas of the detailedge components.KNEE.DETAIL 0׀39Enhances knee detail.