18ROP.menu.setting. (continued)KNEE/WHITE.CLIP• Some settings in this menu are not available when the [CINEMAGAMMA SWITCH] is set to [ON].→ ** KNEE/WHITE CLIP **KNEE SWITCHPOINTWHITE CLIP SWITCHCLIPHI COLORSLOPEONOFFONR00000 095. 0%130%109%M BR M B( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionKNEE.SWITCH OFF/ON Turn on to adjust the knee slopeand knee point.POINT.R -20׀0׀20.Sets the R knee point.POINT.M 80.0%׀95.0%׀110.0%.Sets the master knee point.POINT.B -20׀0׀20.Sets the B knee point.SLOPE.R -31׀0׀31.Sets the R knee slope.SLOPE.M 0׀130׀199Sets the master knee slope.SLOPE.B -31׀0׀31.Sets the B knee slope.WHITE.CLIP.SWITCHOFFONEnables or disables the whiteclip function.CLIP.R -15׀0׀15Sets the R white clip function.CLIP.M 80%׀109%Sets the master white clipfunction.CLIP.B -15׀0׀15Sets the B white clip function.HI.COLOR OFFONTurn on to improve the colorreproducibility in the high-brightness areas.MATRIX.(1/2)→ ** MATRIX( 1/2 ) **PRESETMATRIX SWITCHMEMORYR-GR-BG-RG-BB-RB-GNORMALOFFA000000( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionPRESET NORMALEBUNTSCSwitches matrix presets.MATRIX.SWITCH OFFONEnables or disables saturationand color phase correction.MEMORY OFFABSelect matrix memory to adjust..R-G -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of R and G componentsin matrix memory.R-B -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of R and B components inmatrix memory.G-R -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of G and R componentsin matrix memory.G-B -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of G and B components inmatrix memory.B-R -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of B and R components inmatrix memory.B-G -63׀0׀63Adjusts the saturation and colorphase of B and G components inmatrix memory.