17ROP.menu.setting. (continued)GAMMA/BLACK.GAMMA0. 450** GAMMA/BLACK GAMMA **GAMMA SWITCHGAMMABLACK GAMMADRS SWITCHEFECT DEPTHPRE-CORRECTIONBLACK GAMMA SWITCHONOFFOFFRR0005004. 5MMBB→( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionGAMMA.SWITCH OFFONTurn on to correct the gamma.Gamma provides the signallevel of the TV video signalwith characteristics that are thereverse of those for video signalinput and light intensity level.GAMMA.R zVIDEO REC-75|0|75zFILMLIKE1 to 3-60|60Adjusts R gamma correctionrelative to M gamma.GAMMA.M 0.300׀0.450׀0.750Adjusts the master gamma.GAMMA.B zVIDEO REC-75|0|75zFILMLIKE1 to 3-60|60Adjusts B gamma correctionrelative to M gamma.BLACK.GAMMA.SWITCHOFFONTurn this switch on to correct theblack gamma.It changes the amplification rateof the video signal in low lightintensity areas.BLACK.GAMMA.R-20.(black.compression)׀0׀20.(black.expansion)Corrects the black gammacurve R.BLACK.GAMMA.M-32.(black.compression)׀0׀32.(black.expansion)Corrects the black gamma.BLACK.GAMMA.B-20.(black.compression)׀0׀20.(black.expansion)Corrects the black gammacurve B.Item Display FunctionDRS.SWITCH OFFONTurn on for automatic contrastadjustment.This adaptive-type gammacorrection adjusts the gammacorrection to the optimal setting.EFFECT.DEPTH 1׀5Turn on for contrast adjustment.Higher numbers mean greatereffect.PRE-CORRECTION4.04.55.0.Turn on to adjust the rising slopein low-light areas.CINEMA.GAMMA• The settings in this menu are not available when the [CINEMAGAMMA SWITCH] is set to [OFF].→ ** CINEMA GAMMA **CINEMA GAMMA SWITCHCINEMA GAMMA SELBLACK STRETCH LEVELDYNAMIC LEVELKNEE POINTKNEE SLOPECINEMA TYPEOFF200%150%030VIDEOVIDEO_REC( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionCINEMA.GAMMA.SWITCHOFFONEnables or disables cinemagamma mode.CINEMA.TYPE VIDEOFILMSwitches between cinemagamma characteristics for videoand those for filmCINEMA.GAMMA.SELzWhen [CINEMATYPE] is set to[VIDEO]VIDEO_RECFILMLIKE1FILMLIKE2FILMLIKE3zWhen [CINEMATYPE] is set to[FILM]FILM_REC.(fixed).Sets cinema gammacharacteristics for video.BLACK.STRETCH.LEVEL0׀30.This function is available onlywhen the [CINEMA GAMMASWITCH] is set to [ON] and[CINEMA TYPE] is set to [FILM].DYNAMIC.LEVEL200%/300%/400%/500%.Sets the dynamic rangeThis function is available onlywhen [CINEMA TYPE] is set to[FILM].KNEE.POINT*1 30׀90Sets the master knee point.Turn the Select dial clockwise toincrease the knee point value.(The numbers decrease.)KNEE.SLOPE*1 150%/200%/250%/300%/350%/400%/450%/500%/550%/600%.Sets the master knee slope.*1 When the Knee OFF button is On or when [KNEESWITCH] is set to [OFF] in the [KNEE/WHITE CLIP] menu, settingscannot be changed.