16ROP.menu.settingThe following describes [ROP MENU] settings.SHADING(WHITE)** SHADING( WHITE ) **WHITE SHADING SWITCH→GBRHSAW HPRA VSAW VPARAON0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display .FunctionWHITE.SHADING.SWITCHOFFONEnables/disables white shading.H.SAW.R -100׀0׀100Performs sawtooth wavecorrection of white screenimages in the horizontaldirection.H.SAW.GH.SAW.BH.PARA.R -100׀0׀100Performs parabola correctionof white screen images in thehorizontal direction.H.PARA.GH.PARA.BV.SAW.R -100׀0׀100Performs sawtooth wavecorrection of white screenimages in the vertical direction.V.SAW.GV.SAW.BV.PARA.R -100׀0׀100Performs parabola correctionof white screen images in thevertical direction.V.PARA.GV.PARA.BPEDESTAL/FLARE/GAIN→ ** PEDESTAL/FLARE/GAIN **FLARE SWITCHFLAREGAINMASTER PEDESTALPEDESTALR G BON0 0 0000000( indicates factory default settings.)Item Display FunctionFLARE.SWITCH OFFONSet to On to adjust flarecorrection amount.Flare correction controls theincrease in pedestal level inproportion to light intensity.MASTER.PEDESTAL-99׀0׀99Indicates set master pedestalvalue. (Settings cannot bemade.)PEDESTAL.R -800׀0׀800Amount by which the level isincreased or decreased relativeto the G pedestal to adjust theblack balance. When the autoblack balance is achieved, 0 isset as the adjustment value.PEDESTAL.G -800׀0׀800Adjusts the amount of Gpedestal offset from masterpedestal.PEDESTAL.B -800׀0׀800Amount by which the level isincreased or decreased relativeto the G pedestal to adjust theblack balance. When the autoblack balance is achieved, 0 isset as the adjustment value.FLARE.R -100׀0׀100Adjusts the amount of R FLAREcorrection.FLARE.G -100׀0׀100Adjusts the amount of G FLAREcorrectionFLARE.B -100׀0׀100Adjusts the amount of B FLAREcorrectionGAIN.R -800׀0׀800Adjusts the white balance.Amount by which the R gain hasto be increased or decreasedrelative to the G gain level.When the auto white balanceis achieved, 0 is set as theadjustment value.GAIN.B -800׀0׀800Adjusts the white balance.Amount by which the B gain hasto be increased or decreasedrelative to the G gain level.When auto white balanceis achieved, 0 is set as theadjustment value.