74The underlining indicates the factory settings.Any changes to the settings can be made using thesetup menu items listed below.RS-232C interfaceThe memory card recorder can be operated by commandswhen the RS-232C interface is used.(See command table on pages 75, 76)Conditions for acknowledging commandsfrom RS-232C interface• The front panel REMOTE button is lit• The setup menu No. 204 (RS232C SEL) must be ON.If the above conditions are not met, [ACK] + [STX] ER001[EXT] is returned to the external deck.Whether the [ACK] code is returned depends on thesetting which has been selected for setup menu item No.209 (RETURN ACK).Hardware specificationsExternal interface specifications• Connector specificationsConnector:D-SUB 25-pin (crossover cable supported)Pin No.123456720SignalFGRXDTXDCTSRTSDTRSGDSRDescriptionProtective ground(Frame ground)Received data(Data is sent to PC.)Transmitted data(Data is received from PC.)Clear to send(Shorted with pin 5.)Request to send(Shorted with pin 4.)Data terminal ready(No processing)Signal ground(Signal ground)Data set ready(+ voltage output after communicationenable status)• Example of connection with controller (PC)(Using crossover cable with D-SUB 25-pin connectors)123456720FGTXDRXDRTSCTSDSRSGDTR123456720FGRXDTXDCTSRTSDTRSGDSRdeck sidePC side(D-SUB 25-pin connector)(Using crossover cable with D-SUB 9-pin and 25-pinconnectors)2345678RXDTXDDTRSGDSRRTSCTS123456720FGRXDTXDCTSRTSDTRSGDSRdeck sidePC side(D-SUB 9-pin connector)Software specifications (Protocol)Communication parametersCommunicationsystemCommunicationspeedBit lengthStop bitParity bitACK codeAsynchronous, full duplex300/600/1200/2400/4800/96007bit/8 bit1 bit/2 bitNONE/ODD/EVENACK code returned/ACK code notreturnedNote:The ACK code is what is returned fromthe memory card recorder to thecontroller when data has beensuccessfully sent from the controller.Send format[controller (PC) → memory card recorder]Data format20H(XX = ASCII code: symbols, numbers upper-caseletters)[command] :Command identifier; a 3-byte identifier (ASCII code:symbols, numbers, upper-case letters) is sent as thecommand.[:] :This code serves as a delimiter between thecommand and data.[data] :Data (ASCII code: symbols, numbers, uppercaseletters) can be added in the number of bytesrequired.Outline of send procedure from controller• The send command starts with STX (start of text = 02h).The command is then identified by COMMAND whichfollows and the data is added as required.The format ends with ETX (end of text = 03h).• When a different command is to be sent, a response isawaited from the memory card recorder, and then thecommand is sent.• If STX is sent again before ETX is sent, the receive databuffer inside the memory card recorder is cleared. Acommand error is returned to the controller, and thedata is newly processed with STX which was receivedagain at the head.[STX] [command] [:] [data] [ETX]02h XX XX XX 3Ah XX.....XX 03hCommunicationparameterCommunicationspeedBit lengthStop bitParity bitACK codeSetup menu itemNo.205 BAUD RATENo.206 DATA LENGTHNo.207 STOP BITNo.208 PARITYNo.209 RETURN ACK