50Setup menus (continued)The underlined items indicates the initial setting.No./Item DescriptionUSER menu 2019P SELThis selects whether the REMOTE(9P) connector functions when theREMOTE button is lit.0000 OFF :Connector does not function.0001 ON : Connector functions.204RS232C SELThis selects whether the RS-232Cconnector functions when theREMOTE button is lit.0000 OFF :Connector does not function.0001 ON : Connector functions.205BAUD RATEThese settings are for selecting theRS-232C communication speed (baudrate). (Unit: Bps)0000 3000001 6000002 12000003 24000004 48000005 9600206DATA LENGTHThese settings are for selecting theRS-232C data length. (Unit: bit)0000 70001 8202ID SELThis sets the ID information to bereturned to the controller.0000 OTHER0001 DVCPRO0002 ORIGNotes:• ID information of any VTR except forthe DVCPRO’s is set in OTHER.• Select ORIG only when the unit hasbeen connected to the specifiedcontroller.207STOP BITThese settings are for selecting theRS-232C stop bit length. (Unit: bit)0000 10001 2No./Item Description208PARITYThese settings are for selecting thenone, odd or even for the RS-232Cparity bit.0000 NON :Parity bit is not used.0001 ODD:An odd number of bits is used for theparity system.0002 EVEN:An even number of bits is used for theparity system.209RETURN ACKThese settings are for selectingwhether the ACK code is to bereturned when a command is receivedfrom RS-232C.0000 OFF : ACK code is not returned.0001 ON : ACK code is returned.