22 Introduction: Control Reference Guide1. SERIAL DIGITAL COMPONENT AUDIO and VIDEOIN/OUT connectorsThese connectors enable input and output of serialdigital component audio and video signals.◆ NOTE:• The input digital audio signals must be synchronized withthe video input signals. Otherwise, the audio signals will beaffected by noise.2. IEEE 1394 digital input/outputThis is an IEEE1394 digital interface. It inputs/outputsIEEE1394 compressed digital signals that comply withthe IEC61883-1, IEC61883-2 and SMPTE396Mstandards. Use 6-pin connectors. This connector doesnot support bus power.3. ANALOG AUDIO OUT connectorsOutput analog audio signals.4. ANALOG AUDIO IN connectors/switchesAnalog audio input connectorsThe input impedance of CH1-2 to CH3-4 can beswitched. The LINE, MIC and 48V switches make itpossible to use CH2 as a microphone input.5. FanCools this unit. Install the unit making sure that the airvents are not blocked. If the fan stops due to abreakdown, “E-10” will appear on the counter display.While the unit will operate even when the fan hasstopped, it should be shut down immediately.6. AC IN socketConnect the supplied power cord to a power outlet.Rear Panel123 4 5678 59101112131415LINE: Line input for audio input signals fromaudio deviceMIC: Audio input signal from microphone withinternal power supply (this unit does notprovide phantom microphone power).+48 V: Audio input signal from microphone withexternal power supply (this unit providesphantom microphone power).