Chapter 3 OEM7 Receiver OperationOEM7 Installation and Operation User Manual v1 613.12 Interference ToolkitThe Interference Toolkit (ITK) feature monitors, quantifies and removes interference sources toprevent interference from impacting receiver performance.Using the Interference Toolkit, you can monitor the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum in a range offrequencies around the GNSS signals that are being received by the OEM7 receiver. By plottingthe information obtained, you can determine if there is an interference signal within the GNSSsignal band.Auto-detect functionality applies to in-band interference only. It does not detectout-of-band interference. Future firmware releases of NovAtel OEM7 products willexpand functionality to include out-of-band interference detection.Signals available are model dependent. A variety of mitigation techniques are available. to activate full mitigation features.3.12.1 Monitoring GNSS SignalsBy default, interference detection is enabled. Detection can be disabled/enabled as needed. SeeDisable Default Detection/Enable Detection below for instructions. Detected interference can beviewed and different tracking modes with possible additional filters can be applied to mitigatethe interference using NovAtel’s software called NovAtel CONNECT 2.0. Detected interferencedetails can also be logged and analyzed using the command line interface. The following dis-cusses both methods.Download NovAtel Connect from, installand open a connection to the OEM7 receiver.Details regarding all Interference Toolkit logs and commands can be found at Default Detection/Enable DetectionThe auto-detect feature can be enabled/disabled from any command line or the command linewithin NovAtel CONNECT 2.0 using the ITINTERFERENCEDETECT command. Also, certain para-meters around the detection algorithm can be configured.Issue: ITINTERFERENCEDETECT noneIssue: ITINTERFERENCEDETECT default 1000 4k 10 5Example:[USB1] USB1 0 81.0 UNKNOWN 0 0.216 02004020 9fc0 14137< DEFAULT 1000 4K 10 5[USB1]3.12.2 Monitoring Signals Using a Command LineUse the results to examine the signals that are being received by the OEM7 receiver and determ-ine if there is an interference signal within the GNSS signals.