APPENDIX B OEM729 Technical SpecificationsOEM7 Installation and Operation User Manual v1 140B.5 OEM729 Strobe SpecificationsStrobes Input/Output FactoryDefault CommentERROR Output ActivehighNormally low.A high output on this pin indicates that the receiver is inan error state. For information about the cause of theerror, log the RXSTATUS log.Event1InputLeading edgetriggeredActivelowAn input mark for which a pulse greater than 150 nstriggers certain logs to be generated. (Refer to theMARKPOS and MARKTIME logs and ONMARK trigger.)Polarity is configurable using the MARKCONTROLcommand.Event2(Mark 2)InputLeading edgetriggeredActivelowAn input mark for which a pulse greater than 150 nstriggers certain logs to be generated. (Refer to theMARK2POS and MARK2TIME logs.) Polarity isconfigurable using the MARKCONTROL command.Note: Event2 is the default behavior for pin 7 ofconnector P1804. The secondary behavior for pin 7 isCOM3_Rx. If COM3 is enabled, the Event2 input isdisabled.PPS Output ActivelowA time synchronization output. This is a pulse where theleading edge is synchronized to receiver calculated GNSSTime. The polarity, period and pulse width can beconfigured using the PPSCONTROL commandPV(PositionValid)Output Activehigh Indicates a valid GNSS position solution is available.nRESET_IN Input ActivelowReset signal input from external system; active low, 50ms duration. Hold the RESETIN pin low for >150 ms afterpower is appliedVARF(VariableFrequency)Output ActivelowA programmable variable frequency output ranging from0 Hz to 50 MHz (refer to the FREQUENCYOUTcommand)Table 28: OEM729 Strobes Description