APPENDIX A OEM719 Technical SpecificationsOEM7 Installation and Operation User Manual v1 124A.5 OEM719 Strobe SpecificationsStrobes Input/Output FactoryDefault CommentEvent1(Mark 1)InputLeading edgetriggeredActivelowAn input mark for which a pulse greater than 150 nstriggers certain logs to be generated. (Refer to theMARKPOS and MARKTIME logs and ONMARK trigger.)Polarity is configurable using the MARKCONTROLcommand. The mark inputs have 10K pull-up resistors to3.3 VNote: Event1 is the default behavior for pin 9 ofconnector P1701. The secondary behavior for pin 9 isCOM3_Tx. If COM3 is enabled, the Event1 input isdisabled.Event2(Mark 2)InputLeading edgetriggeredActivelowAn input mark for which a pulse greater than 150 nstriggers certain logs to be generated (see the MARK2POSand MARK2TIME logs). Polarity is configurable using theMARKCONTROL command. The mark inputs have 10Kpull-up resistors to 3.3 VNote: Event2 is the default behavior for pin 7 ofconnector P1701. The secondary behavior for pin 7 isCAN1Tx. If CAN1 is enabled, the Event2 input is disabled.PPS Output ActivelowA time synchronization output. This is a pulse where theleading edge is synchronized to receiver-calculated GNSSTime. The polarity, period and pulse width can beconfigured using the PPSCONTROL commandPV(PositionValid)Output Activehigh Indicates a valid GNSS position solution is available.nRESET_IN Input ActivelowReset signal input from external system; active low, > 20μs duration. Hold the RESETIN pin low for >150 ms afterpower is appliedVARF(VariableFrequency)Output ActivelowA programmable variable frequency output ranging from0 - 50 MHz (refer to the FREQUENCYOUT command)Note: VARF is the default behavior for pin 6 of connectorP1701. The secondary behavior for pin 6 is CAN1Rx. IfCAN1 is enabled, the VARF output is disabled.Table 19: OEM719 Strobe Description