23Northstar Explorer 650 Installation and Operation Manual3-2-5 Finding a chart symbolTo find and display a chart symbol:1 Press and select Find.2 Select the type of symbol: Waypoints, Routes,Ports by name, Ports & services, or Tidestations.3 For Ports & services: select the type of serviceto find.For Ports by name: press , , or toenter a name or letters contained in the portname, then press .4 A list of items is displayed. If there are moreitems than will fit on the display, press orto page up and down.For Ports by name: to search for a differentport name, press . change the name,then press .5 Select the item and press . The chartdisplay changes to show the item in themiddle of the display.To see stored information about the item,press (see section 3-2-4).3-2-6 Perspective viewPerspective view shows the chart from anangle instead of from straight above. To turnperspective view on or off, press and setPerspective to or .3-3 Distance and bearing calculatorThe distance and bearing calculator can plota course of one or several legs and show thebearing and length of each leg, as well as thetotal distance along the course. The completedcourse can be converted into a route.To use the distance and bearing calculator:1 Select the Chart window. Press andselect Distance.2 Move the cursor to the start of the first leg. Itdoes not matter if this point is a waypoint ornot. Press .3 To add a leg to the course, move the cursorto the end of the leg. It does not matter if thispoint is a waypoint or not. The display showsthe bearing and length of the leg, as wellas the total distance along the course. Press.4 To remove the last leg from the course, pressand select Remove.5 Repeat the above two steps to enter thewhole course.6 To save the new course as a route, pressand select Save. This also saves anynew points on the course as new waypoints,with default names. If necessary, edit theroute later (see section 6-2-2) and edit anynew waypoints later (see section 5-2-3).7 Finally, press to return to the chartdisplay.If Projected course is turned on, then the Explorerwill display the projected position based on thecourse over ground (COG), speed and a specifiedtime. To turn Projected course on and off and toset the time, see section 17-2.A Projected positionB Boat’s projected courseC Boat position3-4 Projected courseACB