Page 4-6 NDA-24230 Issue 2.0Chapter 4 VisuaLink 128/384 User GuideFigure 4-4: Connection Diagram for VisuaLink 384ÅìÄAC ACVisuaLink 384CameraMonitorVoicePointÁVideoAudio S Video IN VISCA OUTPowerONOFFMICÆAC POWERSTRIPPC TerminalÇÈ+++ ++DC IN 5V+-Serial1 Serial2/RMTOUTINVIDEO2 VIDEO1 AUDIO++TEL S/T LINE 1 S/T LINE 2 S/T LINE 3MIC1 MIC2 MIC3NT1NT1NT1S InterfaceS InterfaceS InterfaceU InterfaceAn AC adapter has different output voltage and current depending on how it isused. Please use the power adapter that is shipped with your unit. Also, ifincorrectly connected, it may damage the equipment.