Page 8-10 NDA-24230 Revision 1.0Chapter 8 VisuaLink 128/384 User Guide8.6 PIP Functions The little window that appears on your screen is called the Picture-in-Picture (PIP)window. You can make this window appear or disappear anytime.8.6.1 Display the PIP¬ Press the PIP button.PIP is displayed.Note 1: PIP displays the transmitting image. The image shown on the monitorcould be a mirror or non-mirror image. This depends on the PIP menusetting.Note 2: Please refer to Section 7.2 Picture-in-Picture Menu to change the PIPdisplay position.8.6.2 Delete the PIP¬ Press the PIP button.The PIP that was on your screen disappears.PIPIrvingLocal control: Camera 1PIPIrvingLocal control: Camera 1