58English ...User ControlsSCREENIMAGE SETTING OPTIONSGENERAL SIGNALLOGONETWORKCLOSED CAPTIONSECURITYTEST PATTERNOFFCOMPUTERSELECT EXIT MOVE MOVEADVANCEDOFFOFFLOGOUse this function to display the startup screen (NEC logo). ON: Displays the NEC logo. OFF: Not display the NEC logo.LOGOOFFONNETWORKPlease see the pages 64-68.CLOSED CAPTIONUse this function to enable closed caption and activate the closedcaption menu. Select an appropriate closed captions option: OFF,CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, T1, T2, T3 and T4.CLOSED CAPTIONOFF When “NORMAL”is selected for“STANDBYMODE” fromthe menu, theprojector cannotbe controlled instandby modefrom externalequipment.SETTING |ADVANCED