42TO LEAVE A MESSAGE© Lift handset.© Press NON-ACD LINE key.© Receive dial tone.© Dial desired station number; encounter a“No-Answer” or Busy condition.© Press MSG key;message is sentto called DtermSeries E.© Called station MSG LED lights.NOTE:•Up to four messagescan be stored in DtermSeries E memory.If a fifth message isattempted, ring backtone is heard.MSG BUSY(Time display)MSG SET 2000Recipient Station(Time display)•If station is notequipped to receivemessages, reordertone is heard.TO ANSWER A MESSAGETO DISPLAY© MSG LED LIT;station is idle.© Press MSG key; display indicates time ofmessage and station number leaving message;© Re-press MSG key again to display additionalmessages in order received.12:28PMMSG 2000(Time display)MSG RST(Time display)