35TO PARK A CALL ON A NON-ACD LINE KEYWhile connected to a station or trunk:© Press TRANSFER key.© Dial the Call ParkAccess Code orpress the CALLPARK key.TO RETRIEVE A PARKED CALL FROM ANORIGINATING STATIONOr, while connected to a station or trunk on aNON-ACD LINE key:© Press one touch key or© Dial Call Park local retrieval code.© Station user isconnected toparked call.210:01 WATSElapsed Time(Time display)WATS 2PARK SETParked Station or Trunk(Time display)TO RETRIEVE A PARKED CALL FROM AREMOTE STATION© Dial Call Parkremote retrievalcode* and thestation numberagainst which thecall was parked.© Station user is connected to parked call.30:01 WATS200 is the station the call was parkedfrom, WATS3 is the parked stationor trunk.(Time display)