Selecting Disks to Upgrade3-6 Express5800/320Fc: Active Upgrade™ User’s GuideYou can mark each disk as a system disk or a data disk:• System diskA disk that contains the system or application software you want to upgrade. Onlydisks marked as System are available to the Upgrade Side while the system issplit.The Active Upgrade console automatically marks some disks as system disks.These mandatory system disks contain either boot files or paging files (virtualmemory files) that are currently in use by the running operating system. (For moredetails, see the mandatory system disk glossary entry.) You cannot change amandatory system disk to a data disk.C A U T I O N! You cannot use a system disk for storing persistent data(for example, database files) related to your criticalapplications. Any new data written to the original systemdisk by the Production Side while the system is in splitmode is overwritten when you commit the upgrade. (Seethe Overview for information about the steps of the ActiveUpgrade process.)• Data diskA disk that contains persistent data for your critical applications. Any disk markedas Data is available only to the Production Side while the system is split. Youcannot upgrade software on a data disk.(See the prerequisites for the Active Upgrade process for additional restrictions.)Volumes on the Disk Selection page are color-coded as described in Table 3-1.Table 3-1. Hard Disk Color CodingColor DescriptionBlack Unassigned disk spaceBlue Data diskLight Green System diskDark Green Mandatory system diskRed Disk is currently simplexed because it is being resynchronized withRDR