Overview of the Active Upgrade ProcessOverview 1-5Figure 1-3. Merged SystemFinally, the system restarts your applications, including the Active Upgradeconsole, from the Upgrade Side system disk. Depending on the complexity of yourapplications and the upgrade you performed, your applications may be back up andrunning in under a minute.7. After the system is successfully merged, you can test your applications and verifythe success of your upgrades with full access to the system’s resources. If youdiscover a problem, you can still abort the upgrade process and restore the systemto its previous state, because the original copy of your system disk (on theProduction Side) has not been overwritten yet.8. When you are certain that the upgrades were successful, you can commit thechanges to make them permanent.When you commit the changes, the Active Upgrade console resynchronizes theRDR disks in your system by overwriting the original Production Side system diskand stale Upgrade Side data disks with their partner disks, which are up-to-date(Figure 1-4).N O T EBecause the original version of your system disk is erasedduring the commit process, you cannot abort an upgradesession after initiating the commit process.Network ExternalStorageDuplexed SystemConsoleduet003Internal StorageData(Old System) (Current Data)MirrorDisabledSystem(Upgraded) (Old Data)