Overview of the Active Upgrade Process1-8 Express5800/320Fc: Active Upgrade™ User’s GuideActive Upgrade State ModelThe state model in Figure 1-6 shows all of the possible Active Upgrade states, and theorder in which they occur during the Active Upgrade process.Figure 1-6. Active Upgrade State ModelThe state model helps to demonstrate the sequence of events in the Active Upgradeprocess, as follows:1. All upgrade sessions start in the Idle state, where you can run the readiness checkas many times as necessary to verify that your system meets the prerequisites ofthe upgrade process. The system continues to run normally, and both sides of thesystem continue to be synchronized.2. When you start an upgrade session, the Active Upgrade console switches to thePrepareSplit state, during which it runs a final readiness check and additionalbackground tasks. If the system is ready, the console immediately switches to theSplit state and proceeds to divide the system into two independently runningsystems.CommitAbort AbortAbort AbortAbortFinishFinishIdleExecuteMergePrepareMergeExecuteSplitPrepareSplitPrepareSplitReadinessSplit ModeMergePrepareMerge SplitCommitFinishIdleCheckduet005a