Section 6 Electrical SystemPart No. 80-1214-3 6-59Diagnosing An Ice Machine That Will NotRunQF400/QC700/QF800/QF2200/QF2300QF2200/QF2300 - If the gearmotor is energized but noice is produced, refer to “Diagnosing a Condensing UnitThat Will Not Run”.1. Verify primary voltage is supplied to ice machineand the fuse/circuit breaker is closed.2. Verify control board fuse is okay. If any control boardlights functions, the fuse is okay.3. Verify the bin level control is connected to the controlboard and the bin level light is off.4. Verify ICE/OFF/CLEAN toggle switch functionsproperly. Place the toggles switch in the ICE andCLEAN positions and check for energizedcomponents.5. Verify low DC voltage is properly grounded. LooseDC wire connections may intermittently stop the icemachine.6. Verify water is contacting the water level probes. Thecompressor (QF2300 liquid line solenoid valve) willnot energize until water contacts the water levelprobes.Be sure Steps 1-5 were followed thoroughly. Intermittentproblems are not usually related to the control board.Diagnosing A Condensing Unit That WillNot RunRFC2085/RFC2385If the ice machine water pump is not energized refer to“Ice Machine Head Section Will Not Run”.1. Verify primary voltage is supplied to ice machinecondensing unit and the fuse/circuit breaker isclosed.2. Verify the high-pressure cutout and low-pressure(RFC2085 only) controls are closed. The HPCO andLPCO are closed if primary line voltage is present atthe contactor coil terminals.3. Verify line voltage is present at the contactor coil.4. Verify the contactor contacts are closed and linevoltage is present across all lines.5. Refer to compressor diagnostics.! WarningHigh (line) voltage is applied to the control board(terminals #55 and #56) at all times. Removingcontrol board fuse or moving the toggle switch toOFF will not remove the power supplied to thecontrol board.Revised 8/2003Downloaded from manuals search engine