Part Number 040005626 5/17 47Operational ChecksICE THICKNESS CHECKAfter a harvest cycle, inspect the ice cubes in the icestorage bin. The ice bridge connects the ice cubes andmust be set to maintain an ice bridge thickness of 1/8"(3.2 mm). To adjust the thickness of the bridge refer toice thickness adjustment.The ice thickness float switch is factory-set to maintainthe ice bridge thickness at 1/8" (3 mm).NOTE: Make sure the water curtain is in placewhen performing this check. It prevents waterfrom splashing out of the water trough.1. Inspect the bridge connecting the cubes. Itshould be about 1/8" (3 mm) thick.2. If adjustment is necessary, turn the icethickness float switch clockwise to increasebridge thickness, counterclockwise todecrease bridge thickness. Adjust to achievea 1/8" (3 mm) bridge thickness.NOTE: The float can be adjusted with a 3/4"wrench while the water trough is in-place.Testrun two cycles to verify ice bridge thickness.Ice Thickness FloatSwitch Adjustment