16 Part Number 040005626 5/17Time and hourly rate schedules, as published fromtime to time by the COMPANY, apply to all serviceprocedures. Additional expenses including withoutlimitation, travel time, overtime premium, material cost,accessing or removal of the ice machine, or shippingare the responsibility of the owner, along with allmaintenance, adjustments, cleaning, and icepurchases. Labor covered under this warranty must beperformed by a COMPANY Contracted ServiceRepresentative or a refrigeration service agency asqualified and authorized by the COMPANY’s localDistributor. The COMPANY’s liability under thiswarranty shall in no event be greater than the actualpurchase price paid by customer for the ice machine.The foregoing warranty shall not apply to (1) any partor assembly that has been altered, modified, orchanged; (2) any part or assembly that has beensubjected to misuse, abuse, neglect, or accidents; (3)any ice machine that has been installed and/ormaintained inconsistent with the technical instructionsprovided by the COMPANY; or (4) any ice machineinitially installed more than five years from the serialnumber production date. This warranty shall not applyif the Ice Machine’s refrigeration system is modifiedwith a condenser, heat reclaim device, or parts andassemblies other than those manufactured by theCOMPANY, unless the COMPANY approves thesemodifications for specific locations in writing.THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERWARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF ANYKIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall theCOMPANY be liable for any special, indirect,incidental or consequential damages. Upon theexpiration of the warranty period, the COMPANY’sliability under this warranty shall terminate. Theforegoing warranty shall constitute the sole liability ofthe COMPANY and the exclusive remedy of thecustomer or user.