31 31Swim Spawhich in conjunction with spa sanitizing andwater balancing chemicals provides you withcleaner, healthier water, reduced chemicalusage, and protects your skin from chemicallyinduced irritation.Sanitizing with OzoneSwim Spa products vary in size, and in thefrequency and conditions of use. For thesereasons you will need to establish yoursanitizing program based upon your ownpersonal use. When using ozone, you shouldstart by balancing your water chemistry asyou normally would. A Swim Spa should befiltered a minimum of six hours per day duringwhich time ozone will be mixed into the water.If your Swim Spa is heavily used, this run timeshould be increased.The amount of a residual sanitizer (chlorineor bromine) that you maintain in thewater will also vary depending on use. It isrecommended that you maintain a residual of3.0–5.0 ppm. Periodically, and after periods ofheavy use, it is necessary to “shock” your SwimSpa with large amounts of sanitizer.NOTE: Extra filtration can be provided bymanually starting a clean-up cycle. TurnPump 1 on in low speed. The pump willoperate for 4 hours and then automaticallyturn off. The heater, ozone generator and UVsystem will also operate during this period ifthe controls are set in Standard mode.Specialty ChemicalsWhile ozone may significantly reduce theusage of specialty chemicals (chlorine andbromine), it is not a substitute for thesechemicals. All chemicals should continue to bemonitored, especially during periods of heavyusage and when changing or replenishing theSwim Spa water.Draining your Swim SpaNOTE: Always turn the circuit breaker offwhen you drain your Swim Spa. Do not turnthe spa heater back on until you have full flowcoming from the jets for several minutes.High concentrations of impurities caused bywater evaporation, body oils, perfumes, andother contaminants may accumulate in theSwim Spa and cannot be filtered out.NOTE: Consequently, it is advisable to drainyour Swim Spa and refill it with fresh waterevery six to eight weeks, or more oftendepending on the amount of use.All Swim Spa products are equipped withmultiple internal drains. These drains are usedto remove water from internal plumbing,when Winterizing your Swim Spa (See pg. 32),or if the water is severely contaminated.NOTE: Use a standard garden hose to directthe water to an appropriate disposal area.All internal drain hose(s) are located behindthe front access panel. Remove the accesspanel screws and the access panel. Locatethe drain hose(s). For each hose drain valve,remove the cap, attach the garden hose, andturn the valve handles, located on the drainvalve body, 90° counter-clockwise. Waterwill begin to flow. When all water has beenevacuated, turn the valve handle clockwiseuntil it stops. Remove garden hose and replacethe cap. Repeat for each internal drain hose.