21 21Swim Spawill revert back to display the current watertemperature.Pressing the TIME button at any time duringthe above programming sequence will savethe values entered up to that point and exitthe programming sequence.To set the Swim Spa for continuous filtration,set the start and end times of the first filtercycle to the exact same time.Clean-Up CycleAfter periods of heavy use, you can manuallystart a cleanup cycle by turning JETS 1 on inlow speed. The pump will operate for 2 hoursand then automatically turn off. The heater willalso operate during this period if the controlsare set in the Standard mode.NOTE: Activating the low speed ofPump 1 for a clean up cycle will initiatefiltration, but not ozone production, unlessthe Swim Spa enters a timed filter cycleduring the 2 hour period.Inversion FeatureThe Swim Spa Series Control includes anInversion feature that makes it easy to read theLCD from inside or outside the Swim Spa. Toinvert the LCD display, you will need to locate thegeneral location to the right of the LIGHT button.First touch the UP or DOWN button, followed bythe position located next to the LIGHT button.Repeat the sequence to reverse the inversionprocess.at least four hours per day is recommended toproperly clean and maintain the water.To initiate the programming sequence tochange filter cycles, press TIME, PROG, PROG,and PROG within 3 seconds. You should nowsee the ‘PROGRAM’, ‘FILTER 1’, and ‘STARTTIME’ icons on the LCD display window.The hour digit(s) will be flashing on the LCDwindow. Press the UP or DOWN button toadvance the hours up or down to choose theFilter 1 start hour. Enter the hour by pressingthe PROG button. The minute digits will nowbe flashing on the LCD window. Press the UPor DOWN button to advance the minutes upor down, in 5 minute increments, to choosethe Filter 1 start time. Enter the minutes bypressing the PROG button.You should now see the ‘PROGRAM’, ‘FILTER 1’,and ‘END TIME’ icons on the LCD displaywindow. Adjust the hours and minutes for theend time of the first filter cycle as describedabove. After pressing the PROG button toenter the end time of the first filter cycle, youshould now see the ‘PROGRAM’, ‘FILTER 2’,and ‘START TIME’ icons on the LCD displaywindow. Adjust the hours and minutes forthe start time of the second filter cycle asdescribed above.After pressing the PROG button to enter thestart time of the second filter cycle, you shouldnow see the ‘PROGRAM’, ‘FILTER 2’and ‘END TIME’ icons on the LCD displaywindow. Adjust the hours and minutes forthe start time of the second filter cycle asdescribed above. After pressing the PROGbutton to enter the end time of the secondfilter cycle, the new filtration times will besaved into the system and the LCD window