Function LenovoXClarityAdministratorLenovoXClarityIntegratorLenovoXClarityEnergyManagerLenovoXClarityProvisioningManagerLenovoXClarityEssen-tials1LenovoXClarityControllerLenovoCapacityPlannerLenovoBusinessVantageMultiplesystemsmanage-ment√ √ √ √Operatingsystemdeployment√ √Firmwareupdates2√4 √ √3 √4 √Systemconfigura-tion√ √ √ √ √Events /alerts√ √ √ √Inventory /Log√5 √ √6 √5 √5Powermanage-ment√7 √Data centerplanning√Securitymanage-ment√8Notes:1. Lenovo XClarity Essentials includes Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI, Lenovo XClarity EssentialsBootable Media Creator, and Lenovo XClarity Essentials UpdateXpress.2. Most options can be updated through the Lenovo tools. Some options, such as GPU firmware or Omni-Path firmware require the use of vendor tools.3. Firmware updates are limited to Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager, Lenovo XClarity Controllerfirmware, and UEFI updates only. Firmware updates for optional devices, such as adapters, are notsupported.4. The server UEFI settings for option ROM must be set to Auto or UEFI to update firmware using LenovoXClarity Administrator or Lenovo XClarity Essentials.5. The server UEFI settings for option ROM must be set to Auto or UEFI for detailed adapter cardinformation, such as model name and firmware levels, to be displayed in Lenovo XClarity Administrator,Lenovo XClarity Controller, or Lenovo XClarity Essentials.6. Limited inventory.7. Power management function is supported by Lenovo XClarity Integrator for VMware vCenter.8. Available only in Chinese Mainland.Lenovo XClarity AdministratorLenovo XClarity Administrator is a centralized, resource-management solution that simplifies infrastructuremanagement, speeds responses, and enhances the availability of Lenovo server systems and solutions. ItChapter 1. Introduction 15