Note: Items marked with asterisk (*) are available on some models only.• 1 Server• 2 Rail kit*. Detailed instructions for installing the rail kit are provided in the package with the rail kit.• 3 Cable management arm*• 4 Material box, including items such as accessory kit, power cords* and documentationFeaturesPerformance, ease of use, reliability, and expansion capabilities were key considerations in the design ofyour server. These design features make it possible for you to customize the system hardware to meet yourneeds today and provide flexible expansion capabilities for the future.Your server implements the following features and technologies:• Lenovo XClarity Controller (XCC)The Lenovo XClarity Controller is the common management controller for Lenovo ThinkSystem serverhardware. The Lenovo XClarity Controller consolidates multiple management functions in a single chip onthe server system board.Some of the features that are unique to the Lenovo XClarity Controller are enhanced performance, higher-resolution remote video, and expanded security options. For additional information about the LenovoXClarity Controller, see:• UEFI-compliant server firmwareChapter 1. Introduction 3