For information about configuring the server using Lenovo XClarity Controller, see: configurationMemory performance depends on several variables, such as memory mode, memory speed, memory ranks,memory population and processor.More information about optimizing memory performance and configuring memory is available at the LenovoPress website: addition, you can take advantage of a memory configurator, which is available at the following site: specific information about the required installation order of memory modules in your server based on thesystem configuration and memory mode that you are implementing, see “DIMM installation rules” on page57.RAID configurationUsing a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) to store data remains one of the most common andcost-efficient methods to increase server's storage performance, availability, and capacity.RAID increases performance by allowing multiple drives to process I/O requests simultaneously. RAID canalso prevent data loss in case of a drive failure by reconstructing (or rebuilding) the missing data from thefailed drive using the data from the remaining drives.RAID array (also known as RAID drive group) is a group of multiple physical drives that uses a certaincommon method to distribute data across the drives. A virtual drive (also known as virtual disk or logicaldrive) is a partition in the drive group that is made up of contiguous data segments on the drives. Virtual driveis presented up to the host operating system as a physical disk that can be partitioned to create OS logicaldrives or volumes.An introduction to RAID is available at the following Lenovo Press website: information about RAID management tools and resources is available at the following Lenovo Presswebsite: the operating systemSeveral options are available to deploy an operating system on the server.Tool-based deployment• Multi-serverAvailable tools:96 ThinkSystem SR550 Setup Guide