Tasks Touch gestures (touch models only) Mouse actionsTo rotate an item Put two or more fingers on anitem, and then rotate your fingers(supported only on some models).If the application supports rotation,click the rotation icon.To open a menu with multiple options Tap and hold. Double-click.Touch gestures and mouse actions for Windows 8.1 operating systemsThe following table lists some touch gestures and the corresponding mouse actions supported by theWindows 8.1 operating systems.Note: Your computer screen might look different from the following illustrations.Tasks Touch gestures (touch models only) Mouse actionsTo display the charms that containsystem commands, such as Start,Settings, Search, Share, andDevicesSwipe in from the right edge. Move the pointer to the bottom-rightor top-right corner of your screen.To cycle through and switch to openapplicationsSwipe in from the left edge. Move the pointer to the top-left cornerof your screen, and then click. Keepclicking to cycle through the openapplications.To view the recently used applicationsor select an active application fromthe listSwipe in and out on the left edge. Move the pointer to the top-left cornerof the screen, and then move thepointer downward along the left edge.To make a selection, click the desiredapplication.Chapter 2. Using your computer 25