Table 6. Security menu items (continued)Menu item Submenu item Selection CommentsIntel AT ModuleActivation• Disabled• Enabled• PermanentlyDisabledEnable or disable the UEFI BIOSinterface to activate the Intel AT-pmodule, which is an optionalanti-theft service from Intel.Note: If you set the Intel AT-pmodule Activation item asPermanently Disabled, you cannotenable this setting again.Intel AT Suspend • Yes• NoEnable or disable the Intel ATSuspend Screen to be displayed.Note: This item is available whenIntel AT Module Activation is setas Enabled.Anti-TheftComputrace • Enabled• Disabled• PermanentlyDisabledEnable or disable the UEFI BIOSinterface to activate the computracefeature. The computrace featureenables you to track and secureyour computer.Note: If you set the Computraceitem as Permanently Disabled, itcannot be enabled again.Secure Boot • Disabled• EnabledEnable or disable the Secure Bootfeature.If you enable the Secure Boot,the following item settings on theStartup menu also will changeautomatically:1. The UEFI/Legacy Boot settingwill change to UEFI Only.2. The CSM Support setting willchange to No.Select Enable to preventunauthorized operating systemsfrom running at boot time.Select Disabled to allow anyoperating systems to run at boottime.Note: This item is set as Disabledby default when the OS OptimizedDefaults on the Restart menu isset as Disabled. This item is setas Enabled by default when theOS Optimized Defaults is set asEnabled.Platform Mode • User Mode• Setup ModeSpecify the system operating mode.Secure Boot88 User Guide