333RUBBERTUBINGFollow the Service Schedule to theletter as concerns braking, powersteering and fuel line rubber tubing.Ozone, high temperatures and longabsence of fluid in the system can infact cause the hardening and crack-ing of the pipes with possible loss offluid. A careful check is thereforeessential.WINDSCREENWIPERSBLADESPeriodically clean the rubber partwith suitable products. We recom-mend TUTELA PROFESSIONALSC 35.Change the blades if the rubberedge is warped or worn out. Youshould in any case change themapproximately once a year.Some simple steps can reducepotential damage to the blades:– If the temperatures falls to belowzero, make sure the rubber blade isnot frozen to the windscreen. If nec-essary, free it with a de-icing com-pound.– Remove any snow that has settledon the glass: besides saving theblades you will avoid straining theelectric windscreen wiper motor andcausing it to overheat.– Do not operate the windscreenwipers on dry glass.Travelling with wornwiper blades is dangerousbecause it reduces visibil-ity in bad weather.Checking the bladesBefore checking, clean the wind-screen and rubber blades carefullywith warm water and soap or withTUTELA PROFESSIONAL SC 35windscreen washing fluid. Thewindscreen should be perfectly cleanand not greasy. If required, completethe cleaning operation with degreas-ing products (ammonia based) ordegreasing polishes.