264TOWING ATRAILERGENERAL NOTESThe car must be fitted with ahomologated tow hitch and suitableelectrical system for towing a cara-van or a trailer. Have the tow hitchfitted by an expert who will issuespecific documentation for use onroads.Fit special and/or additionalrearview mirrors in accordance withthe highway code.Remember that towing a trailermakes it harder for the car to climbthe maximum gradients specified,increases braking and overtakingdistance, proportionally to the over-all weight of the trailer.Engage a low gear when drivingdownhill rather than constantlybraking.The weight the trailer exerts on thecar’s tow hitch coupling reduces thecar’s loading capacity by the sameamount. In order to be sure you arenot exceeding the maximum towingweight (as specified in the registra-tion book), you have to take intoaccount the trailer’s fully ladenweight, including accessories andpersonal luggage.Do not exceed the speed limits fortowing a trailer in the country youare driving in. In any case, do notexceed the top speed of 100 km/h.Trailer electrical connection shallonly be performed with ignition keyat STOP or removed.When trailer electrical connectionis on and you switch on the rear foglights, only the trailer rear fog lightswill come on.The ABS system will notcontrol the trailing brak-ing system. Great careshould therefore be taken whendriving on slippery road surfaces.Under no circumstancesmodify the car’s brakingsystem for trailer brakingcontrol. The trailer’s braking sys-tem must be completely indepen-dent of the car’s hydraulic sys-tem.The rear parking sensorsare automatically deacti-vated when the plug of thetrailer’s electrical cable is insert-ed in the car’s tow hitch socket.The rear sensors activate auto-matically when the trailer’s plug isdisconnected.