330SPARK PLUGSThe cleanness and soundness of thespark plugs are very important forkeeping the engine efficient and pol-luting emissions down.The appearance of the spark plug,if examined by expert eyes, is a goodway of pinpointing a problem even ifit has nothing to do with the ignitionsystem. Therefore, if the engine hasproblems, it is important to have thespark plugs checked at a LanciaDealership.The spark plugs must bechanged at the timesspecified in the ServiceSchedule. Only use the type ofplugs indicated. If the heat ratiois less than required or the lifespecified is not guaranteed, prob-lems can arise.ELECTRONICCONTROL UNITSWhen the car is being used normal-ly, special measures are not neces-sary.The following instructions must befollowed very carefully, however, ifyou work on the electrical system orin cases where emergency starting isnecessary:– never disconnect the battery fromthe electrical system while theengine is running– disconnect the battery from theelectrical system if you are recharg-ing it. The modern battery chargerscan discharge voltage up to 20V– never perform emergency start-ups with a battery charger. Alwaysuse an auxiliary battery– be particularly careful when con-necting the battery to the electricalsystem. Make sure that the polarityis correct and that the connection isefficient– do not connect or disconnect theterminals of the electronic controlunit while the ignition key is at MAR– do not check polarity throughsparking– disconnect the electronic controlunits if you are electrically weldingthe car body. Remove the units iftemperatures exceed 80°C (specialoperations on the bodywork, etc.).Modifications or repairsto the electrical systemcarried out incorrectlyand without bearing the featuresof the system in mind can causemalfunctions with the risk of fire.