146AUTOMATICCLIMATECONTROL SYSTEMGENERALThe car can be equipped with atwo-zone or multi-zone automaticclimate control system.The two-zone climate control sys-tem controls temperature, air distri-bution and flow inside the passengercompartment in two areas: driverside and passenger side.The multi-zone climate control sys-tem controls temperature, air distrib-ution and flow inside the passengercompartment in three areas: driverside, passenger side or back-seat pas-sengers.Control of front-seat passenger andback-seat passengers is alternated;when the button led REAR is turnedoff, the front-seat passenger controlis operating, whereas when buttonREAR is pressed (button led turnedon), the back control panel is acti-vated, thus excluding those for thefront-seat passenger.Temperature check is based on the“heat balance” concept, whichmeans that the system works con-stantly to keep a regular balancebetween incoming and outgoing heatenergy, in order to stabilize temper-ature inside the passenger compart-ment and compensate possible vari-ations of outside climate, sun radi-ance included. For optimal controlof temperature in the two areas ofthe passenger compartment, the sys-tem is equipped with a sun ray sen-sor.The system features a pollutionsensor which can automaticallyswitch the air recirculation functionon to reduce the unpleasant effectsof polluted air in cities, queues, tun-nels and when the windscreen wash-er is operated (with the characteris-tic smell of alcohol).The air quality is controlled by anactive carbon dust/pollen filterwhich has the double function ofmechanically filtering the particlesdispersed in the air and attenuatingthe peak accumulation of certainpollutants.Parameters and functions auto-matically controlled are the follow-ing:– temperature of air let into dri-ver/passenger vents (front-seat/back-seats);– air distribution to vents on dri-ver/passenger side (front-seat/back-seats);– fan speed (continuos variation ofair flow);– compressor activation (to coolair);– air recirculation.All these functions can be adjustedmanually, it means that one or moresystem functions can be selected andthat it is possible to change theirparameters. However, in this waythe system is unable to control man-ually selected functions which willbe changed by the system only forsafety reasons, while keeping therequired temperature.