2 Operation and Features38 Keysight U8903A User’s GuideTest CapabilitiesThe U8903A is capable of testing a broad range of audio-related devices andcomponents for research and development, manufacturing, and quality assuranceapplications. Examples of the products that can be tested are listed below.– Multichannel home theater systems– Audio amplifiers, as a complete product or at the component level– Portable audio playback devices such as MP3 players– Speakers (require third party accessories such as microphones and poweramplifiers)– PC audio cards– Audio componentsThe U8903A performs the following two basic functions.– Audio signal generation– Audio signal analysisThe U8903A basic configuration has two channels of generator functions and twochannels of analyzer functions which enables the U8903A to test devices withstereo capability.The U8903A audio generator has a frequency range of 5 Hz to 80 kHz. Its sinewaveform amplitude range is from 0 Vrms to 8 Vrms (11.3 Vp) for the Unbalancedor Common mode test output configuration, and 0 Vrms to 16 Vrms (22.6 Vp) forthe Balanced output configuration.The audio generator features are listed as follows.– Balanced output signals (XLR)– Unbalanced output signals (BNC)– Common mode test output signals (XLR)– Selectable output impedance– Sine waveform– Square waveform– Variable phase waveform– Noise signal