Audio Analyzer Measurement Functions 5Keysight U8903A User’s Guide 127Crosstalk (channel driven and channel measured)In audio systems with more than one channel, it is common for a signal in onechannel to appear at the output of another channel at a reduced level. Crosstalkrefers to this signal leakage across channels and is expressed in dB (default) or asa percentage.Crosstalk is a measurement of the ratio of the signal amplitude in an unusedchannel relative to that of a channel driven with a signal. The unused channelsshould be grounded, or set to an appropriate bias point. Crosstalk is largely due tocapacitive coupling between the channel conductors in the device and generallyvaries with frequency.There are two modes of crosstalk measurement comprising channel driven andchannel measured. Crosstalk can be computed as follows.Crosstalk = 20 logIn the channel driven mode, the designated reference channel will be injectedwith the stimulus. The presence of this signal in the other channel will bemeasured. The crosstalk result of the channel indicates the crosstalk from thereference channel to that channel. Only one reference channel can be selected atany one time.NOTE The reference channel always displays a value of 0 dB or 100% for all crosstalkmeasurements.rms value of signal measuredrms value of signal driven-----------------------------------------------( )