Frequency and Time Domain Analysis 6Keysight U8903A User’s Guide 133WindowThe available window functions are Rectangular, Hann, Hamming,Blackman-Harris, Rife-Vincent 1 and 3, and Flattop. These windows are onlyapplicable in the frequency domain and will not affect the time domain analysis.– RectangularAlso called a Uniform window, the Rectangular window is actually nowindow at all. This window provides good frequency resolution andamplitude accuracy and is best for measuring transient signals rather thancontinuous signals, for example, pseudorandom noise, impulses, sinebursts, and decaying sinusoids.– HannThis window is used for making accurate frequency measurementsespecially when trying to resolve two frequency components that are closetogether. The Hann window has the best overall filter characteristic and is agood general purpose window for most signal analyses.– HammingThis window provides better frequency resolution but less amplitudeaccuracy compared to the Rectangular window. The Hamming window hasa slightly better frequency resolution than the Hann window, and is suitablefor measuring sine, periodic, and asymmetric transients or bursts.– Blackman-HarrisThis window provides the best amplitude resolution, but less frequencyresolution compared to the Rectangular, Hann, and Hamming windows.This window is normally used for measuring higher order harmonics ofsingle frequency signals.– Rife-Vincent 1 and 3These windows have smooth, monotonically-falling responses with nosidelobes.– FlattopThe Flattop window has a flat ripple (<0.01 dB) in the passband. Thus, it isapplicable mainly for calibration purposes where accurate amplitudeaccuracy is desired.