2 Features and Functions56 Keysight U1731C/U1732C/U1733C User’s GuideAdditional FeaturesFreezing the display (Hold)To freeze the display for any function, press the key. The annunciator isshown on the display while the Hold function is active.Figure 2-13 Using the Hold functionPress again to update the reading automatically once it is stable. Theannunciator flashes while waiting for the reading to be stable.Press for more than 1 second to release the Hold function.Enabling the static recording mode (Rec)The static recording mode stores the maximum, minimum, and average inputvalues during a series of measurements in the LCR meter’s memory.When the input goes below the recorded minimum value or above the recordedmaximum value, the LCR meter beeps and records the new value. The LCR meteralso calculates an average of all readings taken since the static recording modewas activated.RecHoldR ecHoldRecHoldRecHold