Language Dictionary 3Keysight Models 6811C, 6812C, and 6813C Programming Guide 195TRACeDATAThese commands set the values of a user-defined waveform table.The first parameter is the name of a waveform that was previously defined withTRACe:DEFine. Following the name are 1024 data points that define the relativeamplitudes of exactly one cycle of the waveform. The first data point defines therelative amplitude that will be output at 0 degrees phase reference. An error willoccur if exactly 1024 data points are not sent with the command.Data points can be in any arbitrary units. The ac source scales the data to aninternal format that removes the DC component and ensures that the correct ACrms voltage is output when the waveform is selected. When queried, trace data isreturned as normalized values in the range of 1. You can query the predefinedSINusoid, SQUare, or CSINusoid waveform shapes, but you cannot use thepredefined names as names for your waveform.Waveform data is stored in non-volatile memory and is retained when input poweris removed. Up to 12 user-defined waveforms may be created and stored. The*RST and *RCL commands have no effect on user-defined waveforms.A waveform can be selected for output using the FUNCtion:SHAPe,FUNCtion:SHAPe:TRIGgered, or LIST:SHAPe commands.Command syntax TRACe[:DATA] , {, }DATA[:DATA] , {, }Parameters , Examples TRAC flattop, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, ....., –0.7, –0.3, –0.1Query syntax TRACe[:DATA]? DATA[:DATA]? Returned parameters {, } (a total of 1024 data points)Related commands TRAC:DEF TRAC:DEL FUNC:SHAP
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