4 Calibration Procedures74 Keysight 34970A/34972A Service GuideCalibration MessageThe instrument allows you to store one message in calibration memory. Forexample, you can store such information as the date when the last calibration wasperformed, the date when the next calibration is due, the instrument’s serialnumber, or even the name and phone number of the person to contact for a newcalibration.– You can record a calibration message only from the remote interface and onlywhen the instrument is unsecured. You can read the message from either thefront-panel or over the remote interface. You can read the calibration messagewhether the instrument is secured or unsecured.– The calibration message may contain up to 40 characters. From the frontpanel, you can view 13 characters of the message at a time. Press to scrollthrough the text of the message. Press again to increase the scrollingspeed.Calibration CountYou can query the instrument to determine how many calibrations have beenperformed. Note that your instrument was calibrated before it left the factory.When you receive your instrument, be sure to read the count to determine itsinitial value.– The calibration count increments up to a maximum of 65,535 after which itrolls over to “0”. Since the value increments by one for each calibration point, acomplete calibration may increase the value by many counts.– The calibration count is also incremented with calibrations of the DACchannels on the multifunction module.– Front-Panel Operation:CAL COUNT– Remote Interface Operation:CALibration:COUNt?